The Pearl- Bogue Chitto & the Bole' - Hobolochitto Settlements of "Neshoba District"

  1. 1.  Biloxi and Pascagoula, MS pre 1500 Mound Culture Ends; small pox for the Siouan Biloxi and Singing River by holding hands and drowning together, the small band who remained, says the story of the river.  In between the Pearl and the Wolf Creek areas is the focus of my timeline.

  1.  DeSoto arrives and dies in this area.  1570 Pardo removes Chiwere of Tazewell; become Cheraw of Menokin (means HEMP GROWERS) 
  2. Mobile Bay Immigration Explosion - 2 million French leave France (Hougenot mostly to SC and Royal Licensees mostly in MS, LA; also depending on whose side you were on in the French and Indian War and Rev War, you could find yourself booted out to southern LA.
  3. Flag for France gets a land trade deal with Spain via Farve translator and Pushamataha's family comes to Chicasaw from unknown place; likely Brazilian Slave of 1757-1830 Northern Brazillians numbering 8500.
  4. "Melungeons" leave TN due to "taxable" laws  whose forebearers had left SC for Rev War switching from Regulator Cherokee Tory Wars from the Drowning Creek area to Gibson's Ferry area 14 gen back. 
  5. 1790 Gun Laws in SC change to disallow gun carry for Natives, passport guide out of Cheraw, SC to Cheraw, MS by Choctaw Bill Williams
  6. West Floridians revolt against Spain.
  7. Spain cedes West Florida 1810, East Florida ceded 1813.
  8. 1812 War service means land grant deal - ARK Sharp Co to you-name-it; see map of 1833 Missouri Territory/Adam Treaty Map.  
  9. Brig Gen Pushmataha (I think is from a Brazillion Slave family from 1747) dies on Christmas Day in Washington, DC trying to get provisions for secure land promised for the Mississippi Choctaw.
  10. 1813 Pushmataha's old translator co-worker, Simon Farve dies in his Hancock, MS estate with 54 slaves and both of these men have so many children, nobody can count them all.
  11. Hobolochitto Settlement in Center/Ceasar, MS; major trading area; last Chief of the area Muchihira bought out by Frenchman Steven Jarrell and the settlement moves to Catahoula, LA - ethnolouge: 

  1. 1830 Indian Removal Era - Mississippi Territory; personal reservations for some for 640 acres but most walk on to Oklahoma from all over South East.
1850 Cooper Rolls for Bogue Chitto Neshoba Territory - down to Washington Parish, LA and Marion County, MS area.
  1. Pearl River County forms from Marion Co who gained its name for the Pee Dee (Siouan word not a name of specific tribe) Revolutionary transplants honoring of the "Swamp Fox" Marion.
  2. 1902 Congress puts out Article 2 on deal with Choctaw that the feds recognize those Choctaw with land patents along with full blood status as Choctaw.
  3. 1909 -Hobolo's successor Muchihira and Settlement bought out by Frenchman Jarrell and resettle to Catahoula, LA area. Some go to Bayou Lacombe, Abita Springs, etc.
    4. 1912 Article 2 of MS says who is a Choctaw:  By blood Muscogean OR Land Patented Choctaw; personal reservation or tribal....Jena Band, Houma Nation, Live Oak Choctaw. 


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