Reina and Riana's Line to Choctaw Ancestors

    Reina and Riana Carver with Bill Carver (paternal grandfather, above, descendant of Pisiskiokonay to Poos Coos and Cuna to Pushmataha) and
     Emma Elizabeth Sherman Dickerson - paternal grandmother (below, descends from the Choctaw Bell Family, raised by Upton-Goldstein family of Mize, MS. 

Bill, son of Harold Carver, Sr,, who was the son of Randolph Orville Carver, Sr,, who was the son of Mary Anazille Bourgeois, who was the daughter of Isabel Rose Farve of MCR 2368 Dawes Roll Card Family, who was the daughter of Alexander Farve, who was the son of Chamnay/Piskiskiokonay, MaryAnn Ms Simon Farve, who was the daughter of Chief Poos Coos/Frenchi MayTubby.


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