Cooper Roll Coopers - 1850 with a Pushmataha Theory

      Mushulatvby James King, JR of the Neshoba District Kings/Williams/Coopers/Moodys/Parkers/Pounds was the only one to remove to OK Choctaw Nation in 1820.  The Cooper Roll claimants received personal land grants of minimally 640 acres in distribution on the western side of the Pearl River.   After 30 of seeking recognization as a subchapter of the OK Choctaw Nation,  the were enrolled and then disenrolled and then Nancy Turner alone was reenrolled upon appeal.  The others of the rolls stayed and are the descendants of "Old Cheraw" Siouan of translater Dimery's Resettlement of the Menokin/means Hemp Grower from their various indentures in VR and down to SC.  They had been Chief men of the Nottoway / William William's plantation and some were in New Kent Col Claiborne's Trading Post south of James Town and the Pounds were in the Lawrence Plantation and Collins were in the Strickland's.  Prior to all of that, they were spared by Col Claiborne as the Northern Neck Powhatan Confederates and spared as they had no raid history or any violent history.
Other "aka la pous cous" (means those who look and see literally in Choctaw) or "baby pistols chiefs - see Choctaw dictionary" or the French  "of the Powhatan Confederacy" OR ACOLIPISSA of the LINGUISTICS DIALECT of CHOCTAW for those filling into MS in waves from Eastern tribes.   That would be opposed to Mobilian Choctaw of the Pascagoula River Tribe or  Houma dialect of the Houma and the Jena.  The Acolipissa dialect was that of Bayou LaCombe who were bought out by French Jarell and relocated in Quachita Co.  

       Siouan tribes already in the area and still there are  The Biloxi-Tunica.  Chickasaw Tribes in the far north of what is now MS State was where Chicasaw  Farve history began his translation work for Spain and then for France and that with his Pistikiokonay Queen Frenchimastube' daughter in law of James King II's gift to Farve.  James III & Pistikiokonay had children say the OK Nation and also say the Bogue Chitto Neshoba District Direct Descendants of James King II who stayed in MS.   Cousins being related via the James King II and Pistikikonay link means they are step cousins to the Mobilian Farves via Simon Farve and Pistikiokonay.  I can see lots of Bryan and Folsom cousins amidst both large Choctaw tribes, the one in MS and the one in OK, being very prominent.  Of course, the Alexander Farve descendants are numerous out of the Mobilian Choctaw areas.   But, talking about aka la pous cous in terms of Powhatan, that would also include a lot of MS Coastals from the Queen of Pamunkey, Kosiesko as we who are from MS call her,  Congrats that Col West's mom, Kosiesko and Queen of Pamunkey has a federally recognized tribe for her descendants as of 2016. 

       The 2 Moore children of Pushmataha on the Dancing Rabbit Treaty tells me that they both did not marry Moores but that Pushmataha was a Brid General with a Southern Tuscororan Moore for his dad.  Those are surnames of his two oldest daughters and Moore was a prevalent Southern Tuscororan name and when landing in Col War service under Pugh's, the Colbert Research has the Southern Tuscororan as kin to the Kings out of the Meherrin/ both and all Iroquoian Conferates versus the Algonkian Powhatan Confederates.  Those men include the Licking Run John Lott III who founded Marion Co, MS for Marion Swamp Fox of Bloom Hill Plantation Base Camp of Capt William Richardson and the 400/500 who survived of the AA and NA men who held Georgetown for their 10 hour battle of that town.   I believe Pushmataha came out of seemeing nowhere because I believe his mom Coosah married a Southern Tuscororan as the Moore name is the tell tale sign to that.  I would say he was Chicasaw and he very likely could have been given the Folsoms who married the Pitchlyns were of that family and all the Chicasaw pay homage to William Bryan, dad of Daniel Boone's wife shot by Siouan Shawnee.  You can see it is confounding as they all traded on the Ocaneechi Path and my vote is for the Southern Tuscororan because of all the language that Pushmataha spoke and the fact that the Brig Gen status started in the Col Wars with the Commander Richardson being the one to give those out and I think he would have sent Pushmataha's dad and mom, Coosah, to live in Natchez where you find Chicasaw William Bryan and also a King on the West Spanish Florida land claim roles.   That Treaty of Natchez also says to me that if Pushmataha was Natchez, they would have said so.  He could not be Chicasaw because otherwise, they would not need Farve to translate.  They did need Pushmataha to translate and what would have been a key language would have been the type of language that Powhatan Confederates used to talk to each other, that of a business language being mostly Iroquoian.  So, that would have been have been what a Brid Gen choose by Bledsoe, VR Commander Richard Richardson would have commissioned; he, being the one who came up with the new officer titles and the one to choose whom they would be. 

Hypothesis:  If there are any remaining male descendants of Pushmataha, I am going to bet that person has J1 Moore ydna and I believe Pushmataha was seuirnamed Moore.  


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