My Angolan Ancestry -- LA,MS,TN, and Louisa Co over to Gibson's Ferry, SC.

Summary of my reading on Jack Goins:    4th cousin distance is due to MINOR and PARSONS.  Jack Goins has Minor/Miner Family ties Samual Bunch (Obama's Mama's line).  First pix below from is what I had also seen from plantation era records and are nicely compiled here on the tribe's information. 

Gideon circled in yellow heads out for Rev War service and his descendants end up in Louisa Co, VR and some head to Union Co, TN, in family groups and some of these groups include Obama's Mama's Samual Bunch.  Goins and Collins LA and MS  cousins by ydna triangulation results and by their docs who go to Union CO, TN should know that if they have Shadrach Collins in their tree, he's direct to Col Tom Goodwin, of Nansemond and they will likely find their autosomal story going to Nansemond NA . The Gideon Bunch goes to Gideon Gibson who goes to Gideon Cumbo who goes back to Richard Cumbo who goes back to Emanuel Cambow from Angola. (ALSO, says the cousin matching results trace matches.  At lot of  Minerva's in that tree, a Portuguese city's name, Minerva.  Goins are Goans of Goa, Duke of Portugal's Spain held India colony.  Duke of Portugal was Albuquerque for whom the Duke City is named.

Above in the William and Mary Quarterly, is a mention of the 20 and Odd in James City of whom one was Emmanuel Cambow and among many Cumbo,   Emmanuel is thought to have the name Cambow from the Kumbo area of Angola. 


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