Litigated For Hiding "Tithables"

I can not upload the whole of the Yale Law School Journal post; so, here's a link to the one I like best.  Summary:  The changing laws of the Eastern seaboard's taking a-liking to the slave trade ways formerly only of the Portuguese and Spanish lead by the richest man of all of history, a Mali prince, who still holds the record of richest man of all time and he owned 17,000 slaves. 

  • FOR EXAMPLE:  George Sharp - indenture on my mom's side, HID DAD married into the Sharps of Alamance - All from Sitting Ulsters of Ireland and also German Reformation Families to Both Places.  Found their Sharp all through the South, in the Battle of Kingpens for some of them.  Sharps all over off from AR Old Cherokee Settlers group to Sharp Co, Ark and to AL ones and  to  the VR ones; starting in PA via same Sitting Ulster Religion Group which was supported by Count Zinzindorf and was a group who married their Carribbean Island slaves.  In fact, they owed the WHOLE island of St. Thomas at one point. George Sharp's Pottey Making Ancestor People are well known for their St. Asaph's style from Germany and go at auction for $56,000 for a single piece of it.  His descendant, a Free Person Of Color Mariah, married a Confederate Soldier while back in AL, got cotton gin  and headed for Arkansas after moving there and their kid marries a kid of a Yankee white - lookin' - E1b1b1 - ydna who had no clue he was SSA (Sub Saharah African) and J (Arab & Hebrew =both Semetic (from Shem).  Saw Littleberry Epperson on the Moore ydna family page so, he is 7 gens to the Moore and does not go to the Appersons, except was adopted obviously.  It was a cool moment that you wait for when you study day by day for 25 years on said matters and figure that out.  The Sharp Family of Alamance Co, NC, St Thomas Island, and AL had hailed from Moravia from Count Zinzindorf bringing Moravian Brethren ways to all of these areas and carried on by marrying their slaves.  Their St. Asaph's Pottery goes for 5 digit pricing on the antique market, indeed.
  •  Some of my folks got hauled into court for hiding their "tithables" or wives - of - color and not paying a forced tax on them which was taxed to guys (mostly) and was based on the legal status of ones' mom's legal status.  Also, I saw where Samuel Bunch (of Obama's Mama's line)also got hauled in in the company of a Gibson, et al., which is how I found my Gideon Gibson /Cumbo Connection when looking for Monzingo I knew to be Bantu of our Mizells (who married Tuscororan) and turned out I read where  Mozingo was from Darlington, SC had come off a Wyche/Peele plantation as former enslaved there with Cambow/Portuguese AA of Jamestown early 1600s.
  • THEN there is this:  Cousin matching to Goins, Biggs, etc cousin since 2014 just keeps churning out the goods.   Initially, it was discovered that Thomas Biggs of Lewis and Burrell plantation connections to the first licensed planter, Boggs, at the entry of the Ocaneechi Path or Green's Path,   Some cousins come from Gibeon Cumbo who share with many Lott descendants, Emmanuel Cumbo, first slave group in Jamestown's 20 and Odd and the prolonged service of many down that line are historically recorded on  plantation inventory of Horry Co, SC (say it like Oo Rey) site and delved into their plantation records in their file sections. It gets sadder, if you can believe it gets sadder.  How? Gideon Gipson's history comes from a first generation marriage to a white guy and a Pesageh native whose family members and community, in part, was thrown over board to drown on purpose, and that is what was the start of the connection among Rev War era natives down to their diaspora down to  Drowning Creek, NC.   They had originated, on the Gibson part of the group's line, to Gibson Landing Gipsons and left due to discrimination to go help with the militia under Hooe at Louisa Co, Va, the very ancestors of Union, TX Gibsons. It kind of gets sadder:  Found the connecting planter ownership of successive generations in the Burrell and Lewis and Smith connecting families. There are many descendants whose sad lives got emeshed in the result of the Atlantic Slave Trade. There are many who meshed with native tribes and still are to this day.  The continuous community from the Regan, Glover, and Cannon Cumbo in same said time and place for the Rev War service, in part came over to Indian Territory.  Some had picked up Old Cheraw or Nottoway Chief Men of what had been Coropeake, Va reserves of Parker named native men who receive a land grant in the same place as the last residence of the long passed Wahunseneca.  The Old Cheraws group were also joined with those who were getting out of South Carolina's Kingston District where their land reserves were in the John Parker buy-out by Pre-BIA Indian Territory Guide, making way for their pass ports into West Spanish Florida.  We call them the Florida Parish Fathers.  It was during that 1810 time a year after the failed petition for a More Fair Court was where they were defending their rights in Kingston District, which had been carved out from the earlier Old Cheraws' District from the SC legislative 1762 act.  
Thanks for reading about those who were hauled into court to pay for their skin color when they tried to hide it and for reading about the guys who got sick of all of that and dealt with it in the War of 1812 which ended not in 1812; but, when it did end, it was where it had started for the Old Cheraw, with the Chalmette / Shumate group of I 2 A group of Azore Saucier and Hooe name people marrying Smith and Shoemaker natives and being taken to Bertie Co and other ports of buys/sells and marrying into Jarrett, Va Natoway [sic] Cheraw.

Here's more about the Gibson side of this story or where it started for them:


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