Louisiana Purchase Connections

Jefferson, Epps, Banks, and Mississippi Territory

Start with Jefferson.   His son is in this picture. I just liked the picture so I put it here.
Katherine Banks had her bank for the little guy needing to buy a  slave on time.   Her direct ancestor being Thomas Jefferson, she could get into the banking industry.  In fact, that is where the word bank comes forth.   This picture is Jefferson 's ydna son, Isaac Jefferson,  one of 6 children he had with Sally Cummings. (Cumbee/Cummings/Cumbo/Cambaw are all version of the Cumbo name.) Her descendants are Ishams of the planters in the Meniken/Monocan Siouan VR Indians; maybe where Ishaw got her name but maybe it is from the Siouan which means "Raven Crow".   

If you google Katherine Banks on her fab pedigree, she has "new money".  She turns out to have the most money of any woman, running BANKS, with her Atlantic Slave Trade funds and her people become the Ishams of VR .

Now the word ISOM.   Isom means CROW in Eastern Siouan languages.  It does not mean ISHAM.  Isham is English and a whole different kind of name.   My ISOM was of the "Crow" kind of ISOM.  Now that we have cleared that up, here is more on ISOM.   He got personal reservations in 3 checkerboarded chunks from Van Buran on the first and Andrew Jackson on the others.  There is a listing of them and they were mostly in Hinds Co, under present day southwest area of Jackson, MS.  So, he flipped his personal reservations and bought in what he named, Cheraw, MS.  He was the first circuit preacher for the Florida Parishes when at the time he was doing that was the whole of the what is named now for the 1812 soldiers, running from Augusta, GA all the way over to Liberty, TX.  How does one circuit preach for New Sweeden Baptists while living by permit in West Spanish Florida?  The answer is:  Wait upon W.C. C. Claiborne to remove the Spanish in 1813 at Pensacola and then go for it. 

Isom J. Pounds was son of Isom Pound and Marguarite/Margaret Parker dtr of Simon Parker and Marget Parker md 1750 in Georgetown, SC.  Rev Isom Pounds was  both an indenture of Britton Family near/on the Lawrence Plantation, and per law free at age 21 as was the law for natives, meet in what would become known as  Dimery Settlement area overall;  but, specifically Honey Swamp, Horry Co, SC where nearby Translator Dimery of Penn's Translator Family of  Briggs/ Thayer descendants left PA and had the first patented SC plantation allowed in SC on the Ocaneechi Path. Old Cheraw Chief Thomas Parker had his land flipped from the original reservation at Coropeake/Oseopeake (earliest spelling), Va by Gov Johns(t)on of Horry Co who signed some some replacement lands to William Williams, tithable in Orange Co by 1755 and flipping former lands at his Lower Nottoway 400 acre Plantation; flipping is a kind word for diaspora situation.   He as an Old Cheraw had to be apprenticed too; but, the Nottoway Chiefs went around bonding out their youth outside of their ranks with the help of Dennis McClendon, Esq of the Blackwater who helped them to self endenture, using  deeds too to help people buy land on time.   The Old Cheraw Parkers had been granted Coropeake, Va. lands and their x marks the spot to the 3 sons of Richard Parker when they sold out to help in the Colonial Wars causes by 1756 at Fishing Creek, Va.   That is one way we know the Parkers were NA and also illiterate; but, that trend stayed in force all the way to Cheraw, MS where X marking their land grand from Van Buren and then Andrew Jackson, still showed instead of signatures on land flips of the personal reservations in what had been Indian Territory til 1810ish Ft Adams out of Neshoba District started opening up to incoming war bounty land grantees, most of whom were formerly taxed on their skin color back in the Brit Colonies.  

What does the Cooper Roll have to do with Jefferson?  Well, Cooper bought the land from Napolean and then the ones after him set up Neshoba District all the way down to St Tammany and beyond.  My Cheraw District Parkers and Richardsons of Cheraw SC got to MS by "passport" for serving in the Rev War in the Pee Dee area and set up at Red Bluff, MS renaming it Cheraw, MS.

What does Pushmataha have to do with anything?  His face should be along side Andrew Jackson on the $20, in my opinion.  He is not among the SC or NC or AL or GA stories; just shows up out of seemingly nowhere.  I think he steps into the scene after the Brazillian slaves started coming in at 1757 and that would be right for his dad and mom to just show up. 

 Eli Whitney is the man of the century for inventing the cotton gin and getting folks out of forced labor, in my opinion.  I think after the rice fields were engineered to take over former Indigo fields, there was less need for slaves to keep coming in. After industrial revolution enters, it was a matter of time before it was the next cool thing to emancipate all whom had not yet been manumitted by conscience freeing of slaves.  I learned that some enslaved their own family to keep them from being forced to leave the state in which they were emancipated from; a law saying if you were freed, you have to leave the state.  (An attempt to keep the institution of slavery in the south happening and try to make it legit.)  What started out as tithables in the American Colonies based on a law change for Free People of Color ended up in fully going the way of the Spanish and French way of slavery.  It was originally bank rolled by Katherine Banks.


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