Mississippi Cousin Charting from Poos Coos "Frenchi Maytubby" & his daughter Pisiskiokonay - my screenshots


Some Juzan and the Folsom cousins to the LeFlores, et. al. 
North Mississippi

                                          Stickball playing cousins.

Cousin Chart

Go to the geni site and type in Poos Coos.  Look at his No Name daughter. NN is Pisikiokonay/Chamay/MaryAnn.  How?  Fill in the dots with the wiki of the Farves after reading the Frenchi Maytubby/Poos Coos gift of a daughter in early Farve records kept in the Hancock Co History Collections.  Ms NN had 3 names: Alex called her Chamay, Simon called her Mary Ann, and Poos Coos called her Pisiskiokonay.   Her brother was Mushalatubby who married a Folsom daughter of Nathaniel Folsom, my cousin from NC trader family of Smith and Bryans.

Mushalatubby and Alex's/Lexie Farve's mom were full or half siblings.
Simon's first son, was Alexander Farve.

Simon Farve's first love child, "Lexey" Farve's mom Chamay/Pisiskiokonay/Mary Ann was a daughter of Poos Coos / "Frenchi Maytubby as in the early translation work of Simon Farve for Spain and then France and then Spain when they wanted a land trade for an island in the Carribean, then for Gov Claiborne (top picture below).  Simon Farve's first "bro in non-law" was Nathaniel Folsom, a descendant of my Folsom Trader Post family of NC by the same name, the Sr having a trading post on the frontiers of NC.                                                          
                                                Gov. Claiborne (top art, Simon Farve (bottom art)

Bret Farve goes back to Simon Farve.  Just need a handy cousin chart to my daughters who tie in with Dawes Enrollee & Removed MCR2368 Isabel Rose Farve Bourgeois, daughter of Alexander Farve.



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