
Showing posts from 2017

Rice Hooe/Trader "Hughes" & "Nicketti Hughes" =Sarah (Goodwin)Hooe spelled Nicati and pronounced Necktie

Haplogroup I 2 A ydna group includes the NOT WELSH and NOT HUGHES but HAWTAYNES of BARBADOS and ENGLAND:    Rice Hooe 1 of I _37 in the 37 / 37 match to ydna line of Vernon Hughes who goes back to Perrot and claims this line one generation back as the Trader and Captain with primary source as to the Ship name and the FTDNA data per Dale Rice, testor. Rice Hooe 1 was Trader Hughes/Haw's RIVER- named for him- ydna line.  He married "Goodwin" which as been determined in the case of the Goodwins who were in the area where the headright of Hooe, were all I 2A ydna indenture families who stayed together for generations with tracked lines to all who claim Nicati as do tribal Wood Clan named people.  Smith, Goodwin, Collins and Pounds and Indian John West lines are all related and it is know how down to the precise people as to how, when, who, and who claims them on what chromosome an what segment is triangulating with whom. STOP WRITING HER NAME WRONG.  It's NICATI says

OLD CHERAW of BOGUE CHITTO Neshoba District, Ft. Adam's 1810-1855 Cooper Rolls; Yours, Mine, and Ours: Wicomico & Yeocomico PARKER FAMILY ongoing studies.- MS/LA ties to Berry/Loury/Parker/Lewis

Image   is our study group for the family historians interested in ISOM POUNS/ ISHAM POUNS and other connected to SC Cheraw District and other who immigrated from there into LA and MS. Says the Wicocomico  FTDNA study:   Haplogroup Q1a3a (Q3) markers  have been identified belonging  to male descendants  with surnames of  Tapp, Freeman, Doggett,  Logan, Stricklin, Dennis and Polk.  All unadmixed modern  Native Americans are members  of one of five different  maternal haplogroups: A2, B2, C1, D1, and X2a.  Algonquian and Siouan speakers exhibit all five haplogroups with  A2, C1, and X2a being the most common.  Haplogroup X2a is highest in frequency among  Algonquian-speaking populations. (Wicocomico FTDNA ydna Project for males and only via FTDNA.  Google it for free and see. My study notes: Wicocomico Claiborne community of “East Algonkian” have the Thomas Parker of Dimmery (Re)Settlement on their

Occaneechi Path - - Trail walking and Trading Partnerships of My Family Ongoing To Today

Many of the settlers of South Carolina along the  Lower Cherokee Traders' Path  reached there by way of the Occaneechi Path.   It was also a way to reach the Augusta, Georgia area.   The Occaneechi Path or Trading Path was heavily used by traders, but sparsely used by white settlers before 1748. After that time Virginians from around Petersburg and inland southern Virginia would have used the road to move southwest. Also some people from southern Pennsylvania, southern New Jersey, eastern Maryland, and northern Virgina may have used remnants of the Path to reach the Yadkin River settlements (Daniel Boone), and the Waxhaws areas of North Carolina. Some of my Pearl River County, MS trail friend's elders were trail walkers too.  The names Moody, Gipson, Bass, and Shivers were trail walking from the SC section to Augusta, GA and onto MS/LA.  Here's a Thigpen who ended up in LA via the SC trek.  My P

I2A Haplogroup 2 and Barbados Cousin Studies. We already did the Azore Cousin Studies.

There are long standing histories from Saucier / Sizor IA2 of the Azore Islands to Smiths of West Spanish Florida to the pre-Brit captains of the West Indies of the Haw River families named for Hooe / Hough who were in England and Barbados with various names. Mariners' logs from the Barbados have the Brotherhood of Traders names in the next generations of land owners that started back with Perrot (I P 37)  and 37/37 to HUGHES name Trader lines in atDna and in ydna claims to same communals as Goodwin (I Z   of same 3 in the Iberian Project same as Shadrack Collins) and to I S25 of Pounds and Indian John West. GOINS and COLLINS FAMILIES in my PEOPLE's CIRCLES :   ... How I 2 A Haplo Group Were Communals: There is a Goinstown, Va. where the descendants of Rice Hooe I-IV had ties to  militias raised with  names like Lott, Lett, Hoozier (of Louisiana) and Hoosier (canal builders) of Indiana.  (Say Hooe like How).  Some Newman Ridge Collins, not all, the ones con

Litigated For Hiding "Tithables"

I can not upload the whole of the Yale Law School Journal post; so, here's a link to the one I like best.  Summary:  The changing laws of the Eastern seaboard's taking a-liking to the slave trade ways formerly only of the Portuguese and Spanish lead by the richest man of all of history, a Mali prince, who still holds the record of richest man of all time and he owned 17,000 slaves.  FOR EXAMPLE:  George Sharp - indenture on my mom's side, HID DAD married into the Sharps of Alamance - All from Sitting Ulsters of Ireland and also German Reformation Families to Both Places.  Found their Sharp all through the South, in the Battle of Kingpens for some of them.  Sharps all over off from AR Old Cherokee Settlers group to Sharp Co, Ark and to AL ones and  to  the VR ones; starting in PA via same Sitting Ulster Religion Group which was supported by Count Zinzindorf and was a group who married their Carribbean Island slaves.  In fact, they owed the WHOLE island of St. Thomas

Civilized Tribe - History of the Choctaw


Traditional Choctaw Wedding Ceremony, Washington D.C.


Traditional Choctaw Wedding Ceremony, Washington D.C.


Choctaw Days: Four Directions Ceremony


Choctaw Days 2013: Choctaw Social Dancing 3


Choctaw-Chickasaw "Drunk Dance" with Ardis Mose


Choctaw-Chickasaw Snake Dance


Choctaw-Chickasaw Drum Dance with Ardis Mose


Relaxing Flute Music, Calming Music, Relaxation Music, Meditation Music,...


J gene

Did you know that the J gene  is brought to us by Shem? That's why they call it Semetic gene?  Did you know that J1 is Arab and J2 are Hebrews from the same ydna daddy?  Did you know that this happened after the N1 division for the proto native mtdna ( mom 's line) of Finno-Ugric and Italian?  And they also spurned the Native American A,B,C, and some Q and broke off from each other 20,000 years ago? Did you know that every ethnolouge ever recorded has a flood story? BLOG YETU: Habari kuhusu Iraq!-Inasisimua

Dances of the Bayou Lacomb from the Bushnell Ethnolouge

From     p.20-22 of 1. Man Dance 2. Tick Dance 3.  Drunken Man Dance 4.  Two Person Clasp Hand Dance 5.  Duck Dance 6.  Dance Go and Come 7.  Snake Dance

Pounds Cousin in Soaring Eagle Song and Drum Group

Bill Nance, a grandson of my Aunt Minerva Pounds Collins, had danced for 25 years in California, when I got an email from him about Minerva's mom being my Margaret Parker Pounds' mom.  I would like to post the link to his dance groups last dance in San Diego. Ben told me about a song clearing house for Pow Wows.     is the link. .  Here is a picture of his grandma and my ggAunt Minerva.

Sally Lightfoot Lott died in Marion Co, MS and more fun facts from Antiqua and Pamunky Neck records.

THIS IS all about the atDNA FUN TIMES                        ADVENTURES RESEARCH .... we even had help from some Adair cousins.  We had a full genomic representation to compare to 30,500 people and about 10 years in, we got her done.  Turns out, after all of that, there were actually primary sources after all.  They required looking in Antiqua histories.  Face Palm for a those who feel the need to sigh. . . ha ..... Capt of Mariner Prince, John Lightfoot of the Pamunky Neck family married into the Clack Vann of MD & Antigua. 1.   Gahoga  - is not traditional Cherokee language.  It is Caribbean native meaning Protector of Deer People.   Ho Ga was the Cherokee person, Sally Lightfoot Lott has zero Cherokee and no QUALLA Boundary direct ancestry like the Savannah, MS transfer group of Duncan/Dunn on Oak Hill Road and like the Nimrod Jarrett Smith direct to the Savannah Smiths of Poplarville, MS. 2.  Dorcas (Duncan) Lott , aide to the wife of the

Cooper Roll Coopers - 1850 with a Pushmataha Theory

      Mushulatvby James King, JR of the Neshoba District Kings/Williams/Coopers/Moodys/Parkers/Pounds was the only one to remove to OK Choctaw Nation in 1820.  The Cooper Roll claimants received personal land grants of minimally 640 acres in distribution on the western side of the Pearl River.   After 30 of seeking recognization as a subchapter of the OK Choctaw Nation,  the were enrolled and then disenrolled and then Nancy Turner alone was reenrolled upon appeal.  The others of the rolls stayed and are the descendants of "Old Cheraw" Siouan of translater Dimery's Resettlement of the Menokin/means Hemp Grower from their various indentures in VR and down to SC.  They had been Chief men of the Nottoway / William William's plantation and some were in New Kent Col Claiborne's Trading Post south of James Town and the Pounds were in the Lawrence Plantation and Collins were in the Strickland's.  Prior to all of that, they were spared by Col Claiborne as the Northern

Monacan of Menokin, VR indendures of Frances Lightfoot Lee and Randolph of Scott Plantation

 Monocan means Hemp Eater.   My Mrs Isom Isham Pounds was "Monocan".   This explains my fascination with hemp. Fermented Tea is Kombucha.  I wonder who figured that out? Next:  The Caribbean Dialect is Ga Ho Ga, as that is not Cherokee language.   Deer Clan for the Sarah Sallie Lightfoot Lott's community of Antiqua (say it like Antiga) to Maryland slave, "mulatto" incoming  in the early 1700's, is the source of the native alelles which shine on k9b app.  

My Angolan Ancestry -- LA,MS,TN, and Louisa Co over to Gibson's Ferry, SC.

Summary of my reading on Jack Goins:    4th cousin distance is due to MINOR and PARSONS.  Jack Goins has Minor/Miner Family ties Samual Bunch (Obama's Mama's line).  First pix below from is what I had also seen from plantation era records and are nicely compiled here on the tribe's information.  Gideon circled in yellow heads out for Rev War service and his descendants end up in Louisa Co, VR and some head to Union Co, TN, in family groups and some of these groups include Obama's Mama's Samual Bunch.  Goins and Collins LA and MS  cousins by ydna triangulation results and by their docs who go to Union CO, TN should know that if they have Shadrach Collins in their tree, he's direct to Col Tom Goodwin, of Nansemond and they will likely find their autosomal story going to Nansemond NA . The Gideon Bunch goes to Gideon Gibson who goes to Gideon Cumbo who goes back to Richard Cumbo who goes back to Emanuel Cambow from Angola. (ALSO, says t

Louisiana Purchase Connections

Jefferson, Epps, Banks, and Mississippi Territory Start with Jefferson.   His son is in this picture. I just liked the picture so I put it here. Katherine Banks had her bank for the little guy needing to buy a  slave on time.   Her direct ancestor being Thomas Jefferson, she could get into the banking industry.  In fact, that is where the word bank comes forth.   This picture is Jefferson 's ydna son, Isaac Jefferson,  one of 6 children he had with Sally Cummings. (Cumbee/Cummings/Cumbo/Cambaw are all version of the Cumbo name.) Her descendants are Ishams of the planters in the Meniken/Monocan Siouan VR Indians; maybe where Ishaw got her name but maybe it is from the Siouan which means "Raven Crow".    If you google Katherine Banks on her fab pedigree, she has "new money".  She turns out to have the most money of any woman, running BANKS, with her Atlantic Slave Trade funds and her people become the Ishams of VR . Now the word ISOM.   Isom m