Rice Hooe/Trader "Hughes" & "Nicketti Hughes" =Sarah (Goodwin)Hooe spelled Nicati and pronounced Necktie

Haplogroup I 2 A ydna group includes the NOT WELSH and NOT HUGHES but HAWTAYNES of BARBADOS and ENGLAND:    Rice Hooe 1 of I _37 in the 37 / 37 match to ydna line of Vernon Hughes who goes back to Perrot and claims this line one generation back as the Trader and Captain with primary source as to the Ship name and the FTDNA data per Dale Rice, testor.

Rice Hooe 1 was Trader Hughes/Haw's RIVER- named for him- ydna line.  He married "Goodwin" which as been determined in the case of the Goodwins who were in the area where the headright of Hooe, were all I 2A ydna indenture families who stayed together for generations with tracked lines to all who claim Nicati as do tribal Wood Clan named people.  Smith, Goodwin, Collins and Pounds and Indian John West lines are all related and it is know how down to the precise people as to how, when, who, and who claims them on what chromosome an what segment is triangulating with whom.

STOP WRITING HER NAME WRONG.  It's NICATI says the WV Floyd Family Association folks whose forebearer, WV Gov Floyd and first native Congressman to serve in US Congress, had a forebear of the 1st generation from Nicati to find the petition that allowed the world to know there was even a Cleopatra mom of Nicati and the dad was Opekenkeno.   Then, in the next generation down from the Govenor, the daughter started the Virginia Historical Society.  The paper that says that Cleopatra even existed, as said daughter of Opekenkeno, is in the MD Historical Society's stash of goods.

Ydna of Trader Hughes to the Ocannechi does not exist because it "Daughtered out" but also because he is one and the same as Rice Hooe 1 of the Shirley 100 Acre Hooe Burgess and former NAVEL CAPT whose National Archive recorded Trader Lic. 1656  followed the passing of Edward Bland who had traded with next door neighbor of Rice Hooe's Marchant's land,  Trader Wood backcountry tradwe1656, which means Rice Hooe did not die in that year as some claim.   This was late in the trade game, 10 years after the English even traded there at all; and, during that last decade only in 2 places, that of Native John Floyd's Trading house and also Ft Henry.  When  RIce Hooe I (i.e. Trader Hughes) got his license, he delegated it out to others.

Ydna I P63 Rice Hooe - say it like{How} Hov/Howel /Hywell(Christian name)/Hughes(Anglicized contraction of Hov's Son) name derivation-  Accomatack based Ocaneechi Trader Post Owner; Sussex Co. Burgess, and Naval Capt John Rice Hooe/ not Hughes (say it like How) was from Wales and we know that because of a National Archive log by George Washington's diarists for the family history taken with GW crossed on the family Hooe's Ferrry citing  https://founders.archives.gov/documents/Washington/01-01-02-0005-0004

Here's his Trade License Citation:  Trade License---John Rice Hooe - Navel Officer and Trader Patent to Ocaneechi signs his name as Rice Hooe. Citing "Index: H." Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 18, 1700. Ed. Cecil Headlam. London: His Majesty's Stationery Office, 1910. 806-809. British History Online. Web. 30 July 2017.  http://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/colonial/america-west-indies/vol18/pp806-809   

Shirleys Hundred Acre "Hooe" Hooe’s ferry, running from Mathias Point in Virginia to lower Cedar Point in Maryland, was established in 1715 by Col. Rice Hooe (Hoe, Howe), grandson of Rice (Rhuys) Hooe, a seventeenth-century immigrant from Wales. At Colonel Hooe’s death (1726), the ferry was inherited and run by his son John (1704–1766), and following John’s death by John’s widow, Ann Alexander Hooe, and their son Gerard Hooe (1733–1786), who married Sarah Barnes (1742–1815) and lived at the family home of Barnsfield in Mathias Neck, Stafford County (HENING, 4:93; Va. Gaz., R, 24 Mar. 1768; NICKLIN [1], 368).

Tuesday Apl. 29th. Reachd Port Royal by Sunset.
GW crossed the Pamunkey River at Thomas Dansie’s ferry and dined at Todd’s ordinary on his way to Port Royal (LEDGER A, 89).
Wednesday 30th. Came to Hoes Ferry by 10 Oclock but the wind blew too fresh to cross: detained there all Night.
Hooe’s ferry, running from Mathias Point in Virginia to lower Cedar Point in Maryland, was established in 1715 by Col. Rice Hooe (Hoe, Howe), grandson of Rice (Rhuys) Hooe, a seventeenth-century immigrant from Wales. At Colonel Hooe’s death (1726), the ferry was inherited and run by his son John (1704–1766), and following John’s death by John’s widow, Ann Alexander Hooe, and their son Gerard Hooe (1733–1786), who married Sarah Barnes (1742–1815) and lived at the family home of Barnsfield in Mathias Neck, Stafford County (HENING, 4:93; Va. Gaz., R, 24 Mar. 1768; NICKLIN [1], 368).

Licensed trader to the Eastern Siaouan of the Ocaneechi are listed in the Dinwiddie Accomatack datatbase at  http://www.vagenweb.org/dinwiddie/apamatica/ch1.htm

SNP cousin matches of those claiming descent from Rice Hooe and Tabitha Harris  as compared to the Eastern Siouan cousins of the trade area of Lost Creek Settlement.

atDna Cousin Study of 2016:    Triangulation for claimants of Nicati Hooe /aka Sarah Goodwin - - on the 16th chromosome for one of the 3 cluster Triangulation run by DNA Detectives Pro Tushanna Corkern  which fall on the- Lowery/Moorman/Burris, Anderson Co  Circle who kits segments triangulate at  Chr 16 beginning at 5,572,483 abd ending 12,557,748 to  6 DD of Isom GiSiOno/Queen Anne and all of those are matching on the same x16; along with the 11 kits from the  JANE HARRISON & Susanna Anderson of the public trees at FTDNA which is matching to 6 kits of Lovey Harris which also matched on the X16 chromosome., GEDMATCHes run by chromosome browser by King Connect NA for the kits claiming descent from the 1673 of the family of_(Keziah Elizabeth (Tucker) Basse connected to Col. Robert Thomas Bolling, I ‘s wife, via Elizabeth Anne Elam’s son William Elam ‘s daughter Nancy Bass.  The major area for the triangulation of the Rice Hooe/Nicati - Sarah Goodwin cluster was on chrome 2 at  71-73m for Nicati and 74-76 for Rice Howe.


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